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2016: Development of two limited confectionery editions by Renate Burger / AMÚR Wien. At the invitation of designer Elisabeth Kopf. Presentation in the Federal Chancellery, Vienna/AUSTRIA 2016: Development of two limited confectionery editions by Renate Burger / AMÚR Wien. At the invitation of designer Elisabeth Kopf. Presentation in the Federal Chancellery, Vienna/AUSTRIA

Edible Editions AMÚR Pure & AMÚR Plaisír

AMÚR Pure & AMÚR Plaisir - two confectionery editions - were created as culinary nature and culture miniatures. They present exquisite delicacies from Austria & sweet conquests and discoveries from Vienna and the World.

AMÚR Pure: a selection of typical ingredients from the nine federal provinces. They make it possible to experience the regions directly as part of a specific culture, in the preservation of traditions and through their relation to the respective landscape.

AMÚR Plaisir: recreates Vienna as a centre of diplomacy and sensual pleasures. The culinary influences that made Viennese cuisine famous are cited as well as many new taste nuances that could only be established through contact with the New World or the cuisine of other countries.

Photo credit: Renate Burger

2016: Micro-Cosmos Food. A performative installation. Bock auf Kultur-Festival, Jewish Museum Hohenems/AUSTRIA, Renate Burger / AMÚR Wien


THE TASTE OF FOOD CAN TAKE YOU BACK TO A TIME AND PLACE IN AN INSTANT. TASTE IS THEREFORE ALSO A MEMORY OF OUR SENSATIONS AND MEMORIES. Vorarlberg and the Rhine Valley have always been on the move due to the migration and influence of people of different origins. Many "strangers" found work and home here, many "natives" made their fortune abroad. All of them as well as people of the current wave of refugees, have introduced dishes from their countries of origin. The perception and description of taste as well as the combination of aromas are shaped by origin and eating habits.

Edible traces of the cookery books of the Jewish Landauer family from the inn "Zur schönen Aussicht"/"Zur Schanet", which was once the central meeting place in Hohenems, are combined on one table with various other culinary influences that characterize the region. The figure of Empress Sisi, Countess of Hohenembs, as a symbol of the "eternally wandering people on paths that include all past, all present and all future" is found not least as a reference to our modern forms of existence.

Visitors of the event contributed recipes of their place of longing in the world.

Fotocredits: Kochbuch von Nanette Landauer und von Liliaen Bollag (Adler) / Dokumentenarchiv Jüdisches Museum Hohenems

2017: Special event. Renate Burger / AMÚR Wien in cooperation with Peter Holzinger, Samstag Shop, Vienna/AUSTRIA

„Sinnliche WieNNacht“



Dinner Table for 22 invited guests

Maîtresse de plaisir: Renate Burger AMÚR Wien Host: Peter Holzinger Conferencier: Salvatore Viviano Music: Noushin Redjaian Porcelain: feine Dinge Lighting and Decoration: AMÚR Wien Scenery: Samstag Shop Vienna

Photo credits: Rita Newman, Andrea Kostner

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